Happy Spring-time!

Hey everyone! Missed you 😊

I'm so excited I could just bust!
I had such a good weekend, not only did the hubs and I have a much needed date/ day out of the house but, we also went to our local farmer's market.
While we were there not only did we pick up some great finds, we met the managers of the market and their friend a manager of our neighboring towns!

We started talking and finding out we had things in common on a geek level 😲
Well, needless to say not only are we now going to be setting up our first ever booth at the High Springs' Farmer's Market, on Friday Noon to 4, we will also be setting up at Newberry's Farmer's Market on Saturday Noon to 4!!
I'll be one of 3 soapers at High Springs, though I was told the others do not show up weekly, more bi-weekly. We all have different niche's and styles so it will be really neat to connect with my local soaping peeps. 🤩
In Newberry, I'll be one of 2 soapers and the other is a fellow I'll know from the High Springs' market. Newberry is also like 5-8 minutes from my house, so it'll be a nice relaxing set up.


Since this is such a good opportunity for me, I thought I'd extend a new opportunity for ya'll! Now in my online store when you purchase at least $3 worth of product, you now have the option of picking one of our farmer's market locations to pick up your order.

That means no missing out on a product because you showed up just a little too late, no forgetting that special gift or having to take your wallet out yet again with full arms.  
Just select your preferred market day pick up and check out like normal.

Stay tuned to Facebook and Insta for pics of upcoming products and when they'll be debuting, like The King! 😉😁

Have a geeky day! Bye!

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