It's Con Season 🐉
I honestly can't believe I am about to tell ya'll this....
I'm going to Dragon Con in Atlanta Georgia!! 😱
This is my first ever trek to a Convention!!! There will be actors I have a great respect for or would dissolve into fan girl amazement - that I might actually get to meet!
If you have any advice for a newbie, please leave them in the comments below.
Everything from what I should and shouldn't look for/ do is welcome.
When I come back I will be organizing and preparing to get back in both Newberry and High Springs Farmer's Markets 😁
I will be back by the 18th at the latest and I can't wait to see each of my fellow vendors and customers!
I have two new products debuting this month and will be sharing those sneak peaks on my Tik Tok.

I'm working on a process to get one of the two ready made in one week, so if you come to any of the farmer's markets and find something you want customized, it'll be ready by the next market day 😄
You should know one of them from my product tester/experiments playlist
It's wax tarts 😁
The first set will only include Halloween scents.
Each month I plan on including another scent, or multiple, that are available in my soaps currently.
Keep an eye out on the store for presale options 😎